Asteroids: Outpost, Response is Meh

Posted on October 26, 2015

sadAsteroidIt turns out that Asteroids: Outpost hasn’t done so well.

Atari CEO Fred Chesnais told, “With Asteroids: Outpost, the idea was to start with a solo experience and keep adding to it. The fans did not respond to that… We do care about these brands, we are really trying to pay attention to what the community is saying and to do our best. You are only as good as your last game. That’s the problem and also the beauty of our industry. We don’t do it on purpose.”

We’re sorry to see another attempted reboot fizzle, but we have seven words on the matter: rotate left, rotate right, thrust, fire, hyperspace. You can’t beat that.

Asteroids: Outpost Video

Posted on April 04, 2015

Asteroids: Outpost has debuted through Early Access on Steam, as an online multiplayer game for PC. That means you can play it now, with the caveat that it may change before the official release.

Here’s some video. First, a sexy teaser trailer.

And here’s a gameplay demo from Starsnipe, recorded right when the game became available.